Sunday 10 November 2013

My post died!

So I'll tell you, it often involves everyone on a really short fuse because they've had no sleep apart from my brother but then he's always got a short fuse and very annoying. So we manage to eventually wake up 15 minutes late when one of my parents bangs on my door (and they say they that it's my fault we're all irritated in the morning. Well, hitting the door in doesn't help!)

I had a really good post entry prepared to day ranting about lots of different things but it was all deleted and I'm too depressed to remake it. So I'll do it at a later date. :-( The only stuff I salvaged was about the door

Saturday 9 November 2013

Not much going on

So, not much has been happening today just chilling on a saturday nothing that would interest you. Although whoever doesn't know you can legally get a job at age 13 to get some spare cash. Can't wait to start splashing.

I know normally blogs don't get that many followers or views when it starts but you know it's still kinda annoying. So I've set up a facebook account and have put the blog on some blog sites but really I will notice anyone who follows, comments or now friends the facebook account. Anyone got some good blogs I might want to read always willing to try.

Not much else happening lately, kinda boring day.


P.S. If you have any ideas/advice on what I should on my Facebook page or if I should get any others do tell.
Thanks again,
-Alex out (again)

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Enterprise Day (don't expect much)

Second post and also enterprise day for my year (grade) at school. It isn't a yearly thing that would be great though cos' there's £80. We were all told to make an environmentally beneficial, profitable, logical and ethical product. So my group had a vote and they managed to choose the product of mutated fish/jelly-fish goldfish that glowed in the dark, cost £6 million to make the first 2 and then the rest of them come in a set which adds up to £50.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The (no, I'm not gonna say awkward you're not the only ones who think it's annoying) First Post

Okay... I got desperate. I'm in my early teens and got so desperately bored I start writing a blog. My first blog, and more importantly this is my first post. So, I was trying to decide what my first post should be on, so I searched on the net to see what some people put. I saw a load of amazing first posts for blogs and after checking about ten sites I realized one thing. All good blogs are on an academic topic and by someone with expertise in the area they were writing about. I have neither of them, struggling to stay optimistic.